

  • Which of the following problem situations is represented by this inequality, 0.35m + 3 < 0.45m + 1.50?

    a) An Uber driver charges $0.45 per mile and an initial fee of $3. A Lift driver charges $0.35 per mile and an initial fee of $3. When will the cost of using Lift greater than taking Uber?

    b) An Uber driver charges $0.35 per mile and an initial fee of $3. A Lift driver charges $0.45 per mile and an initial fee of $1.50. When will the cost of using Lift less than taking Uber?

    c) An Uber driver charges $0.45 per mile and an initial fee of $3. A Lift driver charges $0.35 per mile and an initial fee of $1.50. When will the cost of using Lift greater than taking Uber?

    d) An Uber driver charges $0.35 per mile and an initial fee of $3. A Lift driver charges $0.45 per mile and an initial fee of $1.50. When will the cost of using Lift greater than taking Uber?

    Possible Solutions

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    8.8 Expressions, equations, and relationships. The student applies mathematical process standards to use one-variable equations or inequalities in problem situations. The student is expected to:

    (B) write a corresponding real-world problem when given a one-variable equation or inequality with variables on both sides of the equal sign using rational number coefficients and constants


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